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eBay started collecting Sales Tax on my sales

This is the current list of states requiring eBay to collect Sales Tax on sales.

The law states that the seller must be doing at least $100,000 in business in the state to have taxes collected, but I just had taxes taken out for a sale in Iowa and I don't have total Yearly sales totalling $100,000, let alone sales within one state of that magnitude.

Just a heads up to you all who jump on eBay to sell around the country.

You are NOT responsible for collecting the sales tax, but eBay may AUTOMATICALLY charge the customer the appropriate sales tax (which will appear on the invoice but not in your PayPal account) and process the sales tax to the required states without any intervention from you.

I am just the messenger. If you have any questions, please contact eBay for further explanation. All I know is what I am reading on their website and experiencing first hand.

Happy Strikin'
Peggy rofl

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eBay started collecting Sales Tax on my sales
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Re: eBay started collecting Sales Tax on my sales

Copyright 2022 David Spragg