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Thank You Silver Strikers Club! 2009 ccgtcc SSOTY...

The 2009 SSOTY acquisition Project is now at: $675!...

Our thanks to the Silver Strikers Club for the donation pledge of $110, towards the acquisition of the 2009 SSOTY for the ccgtcc Permananet Collection of All Past OTY Awards Winners.

Pledges/Donations thus far total: $675

Our specific thanks go to:

Wayne Thompson - $50
Archie Black - $50
Anonymous - $50
Doug Smith - $50
James McFadden - $50
Bruce Kay - $10
George and Pat Lindeman - $50
Steve Wilson - $10
"Riverboat Rick" Pokracki - $10
Marty Robbins - $20
Don Nesbitt, Jr. - $50
Sarge - $10
Phyllis Spagnola - $10
Pam and Jamie Martin - $50
Larry Noble - $20
Barry Hauptman - $25
Jim Quinn - $50
Silver Strikers Club - $110

I will also point out that there is one, maybe two, other pledges that are 'in-process' and will be announced as soon as they are are finalized.

As a recap...
The ccgtcc needs this strike to keep the Collection complete:

We need more pledges/donations and respectfully request your support!

Need more information about this ccgtcc Project? Then just visit here:

Copyright 2022 David Spragg