The Strike Point
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These bulletin boards are free of charge to use.

However, they need your support to stay that way grin

I have a dedicated server running these sites.
The software we are using is not free of charge, and I had to enlist the help of the developer for the installation and migration of old data. Even he considered it was a major project.
He also assisted me with the 'add-ons' which were nothing to do with the forums - banner ad program, calendar, uploader, membership database - none of which were migratable. He preserved all data.
Whilst not cheap I would still like to note he was highly efficient and comes with the highest recommendation (he does of course do this for a living) and I have retained him as part of the ongoing licensing agreement.
There are still a few teething problems for some people (not many now) but we are getting through it and will continue until everyone is sorted.
After that there are some further features and enhancements to be added.
In addition to the above I also had to pay off the substantial (approx 3 times what I am now paying) costs of the remaining lease on Greg's old server, including refunding Brian for the period he paid for.
In total I have so far outlaid in the region of $2,900.
I was able to recover past advertising due of approx $2,000 but still have a significant shortfall. In addition there will be some limited further costs to complete everything.

As we move on, the disappointing thing is the number of advertisers who do not wish to renew their banners (not really due to cost, just that their businesses are suffering or no longer exist).
I will have ongoing costs of approx $1,800 per year, but that does include all licences, ongoing support & free lifetime software upgrades/enhancements/maintenance.
My projected income so far will only cover about half of that amount.

So, this is how you can help!

1. You can take out banner advertising as detailed here (also accessible from the permanent button at the top)

2. If you don't have a site to advertise or link to but still wish to contribute, then there are two ways you can do this.
a) You can 'sponsor' one of the Museum of Gaming History or ccgtcc banners which are currently running free of charge.
b) You can make an anonymous (to me) donation through the button on the page linked to above.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg